Friday, February 13, 2015

In Memoriam, Dianne Kelly

Dianne Culpepper Kelly
July 29, 1952-January 24, 2015

Dianne joined the Shutterbugs in 2009 and was an active member thereafter, serving in several leadership roles, recruiting other photographers, attending group meetings and functions, etc. She was also a member of the Georgia Nature Photographers’ Association (GNPA).

She loved photography, especially nature, landscapes, and close-up subjects—and she created beautiful images. Her work was chosen for several of United Bank’s annual calendars. Her photos won awards at the Georgia National Fair in Perry; and was exhibited in several locations, including Callaway Gardens, Thomaston-Upson Arts Council (TUAC), A Novel Experience (bookstore in Zebulon), and the LEAF (Library, Educational, and Art Facility) in Williamson.

She was an avid learner and an eager participant, going on as many photo shoots as possible, attending workshops locally and far away, and attending Shutterbugs meetings to learn from the variety of excellent photographers invited to speak at Shutterbugs meetings. “Just being able to get out with other photographers to learn and have fun is a wonderful experience,” she said. Just days before she passed away she was still wishing she could do that very thing!

Because she was so eager to photograph the beauty all around her, she obviously agreed with Ansel Adams who said, “Sometimes I do get to places just when God is ready to have somebody click the shutter.” And click the shutter she did!

She used a point-and-shoot camera to create award-winning photos, proving Ansel Adams was right when he said, “It is the photographer, not the camera, that is the instrument.”

Dianne was much admired and will be greatly missed.

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