Sunday, February 1, 2015

Featured Photographer Melba Brown

Photo by Johnnie Gaskill

Our featured photographer for January 2015 is Melba Brown, who has been a member of Shutterbugs since the group started in 2006 and has held various leadership positions. She has been especially helpful with the two exhibits the Shutterbugs have held at Callaway Gardens.

After retiring from the Georgia Department of Transportation in 2001 with 34 years of service, she rekindled her love for photography. She has taken photography classes from Jim Henderson, John Reed, and also traveled with John Baker on his photography tours to Vermont and the Palouse (Washington State).

Several of her photos have been chosen for United Bank calendars, including one on the July page in the 2015 calendar. Her photos have been exhibited at Callaway Gardens, TUAC, A Novel Experience  and The Williamson LEAF (Library, Educational and Art Facility). She has won many awards at the Georgia National Fair, as well as on her online gallery at Better Photo.
She enjoys traveling, reading and gardening. She is a member of the Upson Historical Society and served on the publication committee for the book, “Upson County - A Pictorial History”. She has presented many programs to local civic and church groups to show photos of her travel adventures and also to share her love and knowledge of gardening she acquired as a Master Gardener.

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