Shutterbugs frequently attend events and take lots of pictures. Even after they return home, they continue to have fun as they edit their photos. Because editing is an essential step in creating better photos, the topic at the Nov. 10th meeting will be “An Overview and Demonstration of Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2,” one of many photo editing programs available to today’s photographers.
Shown in the photo taken on Oct. 25th at the UGA Research and Education Garden in Griffin during the closing celebration for “Scarecrows in the Garden” are nine of the Shutterbugs: Francis Hauke, Dianne Kelly, Linda Boyles, Linda Godwin, Joan Phillips, Sherry Kunde, Bonny Shockley, Joy Corley, and Johnnie Ann Gaskill. Later that afternoon, they applauded as Dee Hinson, who was not present for the group photo, accepted a ribbon awarded to the Shutterbugs for their entry that was chosen as the “Funniest Scarecrow.” Photo by Jes Shockley.
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