Saturday, August 12, 2006

WCG Shutterbug Job Descriptions

The President Shall:
  • Provide general supervision of all affairs.
  • Preside at each meeting.
  • Preside at each Officers meeting.
  • Encourage a team spirit among all members.
  • Stay in close touch with officers and members so as to know what the needs/wishes are and then act accordingly.
  • Work closely with the staff of the Thomaston-Upson Arts Council.
  • Sign checks – in the absence of the treasurer.
  • Appoint a Nominating Committee Chairman (in June) who will secure two additional members to serve on the committee. The committee will work together to present a proposed slate of Officers for the membership to vote on in August.
The Vice President Shall:
  • Perform all of the President’s duties in the absence of the President.
  • Plan the programs for regularly scheduled meetings and other club-sponsored educational programs, such as workshops and mini-courses.
  • Handle all details regarding the speaker for each meeting/course: choose the topic, provide directions/maps to and from the meeting site, greet speaker upon his/her arrival, request speaker’s payment/reimbursement from Treasurer, etc.
  • Set up the chairs and equipment (if needed) for each meeting and take them down afterward.
The Recording Secretary Shall:
  • ·         Keep the minutes of each club meeting and each Officers meeting and maintain the official copies.
    ·         Record the minutes of each officers meeting and then e-mail a copy to Officers, asking for additions and corrections. Once the final draft is agreed upon, send a clean copy to each officer and place a printed copy in the official book of minutes.
    ·         Email a draft of the club minutes to each officer for their input. Once the officers have approved the minutes, e-mail the final version to each club member within a week of each meeting. Note: The minutes will include a list of visitors in attendance and a copy of the Treasurer’s Report, as well as any other documents voted on in the meeting.

  • The Membership Secretary Shall:
  • ·         Conduct the general correspondence of the club.
    ·         Email new members a welcome letter, within one week of the date joined, giving the link to the club’s online blog, mentioning that on the blog they will find the Standing Rules, the names of our officers, and upcoming activities. Also tell them that they will be receiving emails about various activities and topics now that they are a member.
    ·         Send thank you notes, get well cards, sympathy cards, etc.
    ·         Keep the record of attendance for each club meeting and Officers meeting and maintain the official copy.
    ·         Provide a sign-in sheet at each meeting for visitors. Include their names in the minutes and add them to our prospective members list.
    ·         Assign a greeter at each meeting, if needed, to assist with the registration process.
    ·         Bring ID badges for those members who haven’t yet picked theirs up and some unlabeled ones to be given to new members.
    ·         Call the roll at each meeting.
    ·         Send updated lists of members and prospective members to each officer within one week following a regular meeting. Each list should include names and e-mail addresses. In addition, maintain a membership list that contains postal address, phone number, e-mail address and date joined.
  • The Activities Coordinator Shall:
  • Compile a calendar of photography-related activities and events that may be of interest to club members.
  • E-mail the calendar, or a portion thereof, monthly—or more often, if needed.
  • Coordinate activities of interest to the members—i.e., make reservations, arrange carpools, etc.
  • Report to the membership (at meetings and/or via e-mail) brief reports of club-sponsored activities.
  • The Treasurer Shall:
    • Receive all dues and monies for the WCGS.
    • Collect dues at the meetings.
    • Send reminders and follow-up for overdue payments.
    • Keep a record of all dues, other income, bank deposits, disbursements and other financial matters.
    • Pay all authorized bills in a timely manner.
    • Send a monthly financial report by email to the secretary to be attached to the minutes of each regular meeting.
    • Purchase a door prize to be given away at each meeting (except field trips).
    (Note: The Treasurer and the President shall be authorized to write checks for the club.)

    The Publicity Chairperson Shall:
    • Submit announcements about upcoming meetings, activities, recognition, etc. to the person responsible for updating the club’s blog, to area newspapers/magazines, and/or radio/TV stations.
    • Stay in close touch with officers and members so as to know what’s going on.
    • Maintain the scrapbook and blog (or designate someone to regularly update the blog).
    • Design/create promotional items (business cards, flyers, etc.) as needed.
    • Maintain an email data base of leadership and/or members in other camera clubs and art association, etc. so as to promote our activities to them and theirs to Shutterbugs.
    All Officers Shall:
    • Attend all meetings, unless absence is unavoidable.
    • If absence at a regular meeting is unavoidable or if unable to carry out the assigned duties in a competent and timely manner, notify the President as far in advance as possible so that he/she can secure a substitute or a replacement.
    • Maintain an up-to-date e-mail list of all members, based on updated info the recording secretary shall send to each officers within one week following a regular meeting.
    • Write reports, announcements, etc. that are relevant to their area of responsibility and e-mail them to all members and/or submit them for posting on the club’s blog.

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