Thursday, June 30, 2011

WCGS Meeting Announcement - July 12

The West Central Georgia Shutterbugs are planning a Critique Night for their July 12 monthly meeting in Thomaston. Members are asked to submit images and allow others to comment during the presentation. Guests are welcome to visit at 6:30 pm that evening at the Thomaston-Upson Arts Council. Please come join us for this annual review.

Serenbee Photography Center Open Competition

Ten West Central Georgia Shutterbugs participated as two 5-member teams in the Serenbe Photography Center’s Open Competition on June 11. Our very own Yvette Tolson received a 1st place winner in Category 4. Shutterbugs participating were (left to right): Back row: Beau Gentry, Francis Hauke, Hazel Cromer, and Chadd Morton. Middle row: Bonny Shockley, Linda Godwin, Yvette Tolson, and Margie Lentini. Bottom front: Carol Peck and Dianne Kelly.

Yvette appears with other winners. This is her winning photo.

Monday, June 6, 2011

My Introduction to HDR Photography

Our program chairman, King
Davis, plans to share his initial
experiences doing HDR photography at the next Shutterbugs meeting at 6:30 pm at TUAC. He will show us how to shoot and then process a picture or two so we can see the basic work flow involved in High Dynamic Range photography. So come on out and enjoy this special meeting with us on Tuesday, June 14.