The West Central Georgia Shutterbugs will meet on Tuesday, May 12, 2009, at 6:30 p.m. at the Thomaston-Upson Arts Council (TUAC) Gallery and Gift Shop, located on the square. Johnnie Ann Gaskill, President, will use information included in a PowerPoint presentation to answer the question “What Makes a Great Photo?” Instruction and discussion will center around the twelve elements Professional Photographers of America judges consider when evaluating an image. Knowing what judges look for is of interest to Shutterbugs since many are in the process of taking pictures and selecting their best ones to enter in several upcoming contests, including the Georgia National Fair and SlowExposures.
The Shutterbugs meet on the second Tuesday of each month, except December, and invite photographers of all skill levels to attend. To find out more about the group, visit

Shutterbugs Anna Mary Ellerbee (left) of Thomaston and Margie Lentini of Pike County linger at Callaway Gardens to take one more picture before heading home following an all-day macro (close-up) photography class taught by Jim Henderson.
Photo by Johnnie Ann Gaskill.